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About Us
Hey, y'all! Welcome to our sister travel blog.

We began this site as a way to: 1) keep up with family + friends during our travels (hi mom), and 2) share advice on budget travel, traveling tips and hacks, and neat vacation ideas. Our page is dedicated to travel both in the United States and around the world. We're excited to be on this journey with you!


Born and raised in Las Vegas, NV, Alyssa currently resides in San Antonio, TX. She spends her time marketing food for an awesome local chef and loving on her adorable (but totally wild) puppy! Alyssa has bachelors degrees in Communication and Ancient Mediterranean Studies. She has spent 4+ months living in Greece and travels whenever she can. Mostly, you can catch her snacking at all hours of the day, obsessing over ancient history and sipping coffee until it's time for wine.

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Hi! I’m Nicole, also raised in Las Vegas, but currently a 3rd year Peace Corps Volunteer* in Tanzania, East Africa. I spent 2 years living in a rural village in southern TZ but now live in the town of Moshi, at the base of Mt. Kilimanjaro, and I work with an organization that provides healthcare to communities in need! I previously lived in Micronesia, as a teacher, Costa Rica, as a study abroad student, and have done lots of traveling around those areas during the times I was based there! Hobbies include: learning languages, coffee, reading scientific articles. 


*(Though I work with Peace Corps, all views expressed in this blog are my own and in no way reflect Peace Corps as an organization).

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